Wednesday, April 13, 2011

Big News Part 2

Since I shared my exciting news I've had lots of questions about how things have come to pass and what is going to take place.

I'm excited to share with you how God has had His hand on this entire process, never wavering in His faithfulness to me.  Even though I've questioned his timing, in fact agonized over it at times, He was never early & Never late.

I guess its fair to tell you that this story doesn't just contain me (what I'm not the star?) -- but rather it is made up of 5 other key people.   I've heard the story in part from each person -- so here it is as best I understand it.....
It all started with Bambi, a tree stand, and two best friends....  Well, to be fair, it wasn't really Bambi, but they were best buds, hunting, when they came across my Dad (who was not tree standing nor hugging) & the topic of my health & kidney search came up.   Apparently this topic resonated with the friend & he went home to his wife & spoke with her.  This was in Dec./Jan.
Meanwhile, back in October these same friends' wives have been talking, and once again I become the topic of conversation -- my health and need for a kidney.   Long story short the couple, who have an extrememly strong love for God, began talking, the wife became interested in the process of donation and began the the testing process -- the husband shared that he truly felt a peace about the whole situation when he heard a minister talking about what the world has to say about religion -- the world says that every religion has a form of the Golden Rule, but truly the difference is -- Confucious says "don't do to others what you don't want them to do to you" (paraphrased) & Jesus said "Do to others what you would have them do to you".  He said that is when he felt the prompting of 'do". 

Okay, so, I should tell you that up until this point I am really quite clueless (all blonde jokes & snide remarks, kindly disreguard)... HIPPA (patient privacy) is strictly adhered to and that includes would-be donors.  By February my nephrologist was telling me there was someone being tested, but while I was hopeful, after 10 or 11 potential candidates had failed I didn't allow myself to get overly excited. Okay, back to the story...
So, about 2 weeks ago I received a call from my cousin who told me there was a person who had been tested and was a match, but wanted to meet me.  At this point, my excitement was tempered, I mean, how well do you interview? What do you wear to dinner with a would-be donor?  Should I dress up, dress down?  Would I win them over with my sparkling personality alone or should I try a bolder aproach and let my shirts do the talking. 
Here were my top picks.  *I Use Recycled Products  *God Loves a Cheerful Giver   * Just Do It 
I'm always a little akward in new situations -- this was a new situation, but my cousin and his wife were fantastic, making conversation and the would-be donor and spouse are phenomenal -- I was humbled by their generous offer and Lord willing, if all goes as planned I am sure I will spend many years to come with gratitude towards them and my Lord and Savior for being faithful.  I'm gonna wrap this up, but in an effort to just reinforce the timliness of my God....  I received the call about the transplant nearly 3 months to the day from when I stopped my steroids -- which is the requirement for having a steroid free transplant -- God is just plain AWE-SOME!!!
Would you please keep a few things in your prayers ---
The Donor Family -- pray that they might all have a peace about the process, that all might go well for her and that health would retun quickly and for BLESSINGS on them
My fam -- for peace during this transition and while they have to put up with me :)
For a healthy, working transplant, no rejection, no steroids, God's will and my patience
Thanks to all of you for your continued prayers and support and love, I appreciate it more than you will ever know, I'll keep you posted as best I can :)

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