Monday, December 31, 2012

unexpected turn of events

just an update -- more to follow as I am near internet and knoww more.  Infection has overtaken my dialysis catheter so that it is necessary to have it removed and begin HEMO.  Surgery is Thursday.  Please pray that all will go as God wills and that I would have a peace and attitude of acceptance. thanks in advance and a very happy and blessed New Year to all.  with gratitude, Vanessa

Monday, December 17, 2012

Most years its easy to get swept up in the Christmas rush and euphoria of the Christmas season. But tragedy, loss and sorrow don't take snow days and I find my heart is heavy. But Christmas is the perfect time to be reminded that Christ is our hope in the midst of a sinful and chaotic world. His birth wasn't just a cute Nativity place-setting, but the beginning of a life that would eventually take my place (and yours) by dying on a cross and rising again! Now that is some gift! Merry Christmas!