It's been ages since I had anything really newsworthy to blog about. But in the last 3 weeks I've had much to praise God about and much to report. Below are updates I posted to on a private updates page for family/friends. I've dated them and put them in chronological order.
August 5, 2014
Hi! I would especially appreciate your prayers today,
there's a potential kidney in the works! Please pray for our peace and wisdom.
Trusting that God has set before me the path that's best for me, even though I
don't know what the plans are He does! Thanks in advance for all your prayers –
God has blessed me so greatly already through the many prayers of family and
Just a quick update – transplant, Lord willing, is
scheduled for tomorrow! Lord is good and greatly to be praise!, right now I'm
getting my IV IG infusion and hoping to catch a few winks before my early
morning – will appreciate your prayers very much! Thank you, I could feel the
blessing of the prayers throughout the day with the calm the Lord provided for
me and my family! Please continue to pray for my family the doctors and for the
family who lost someone today that was so selfless to provide me with this
August 6, 2014
It's been a long day followed by a long night. I finished
my immune suppression infusion at 1:30 this morning and then had to take a beta
dine shower – PS any photos posted here after require bad hair day grace– in my
hurry to get here today I omitted all hair products... It's so amazing how God
has worked all this together in his timing– so much better than I could ever
planned! I hope to write about it one day when I'm not under the influence of
Benadryl and steroids but let me just
say what an awesome God I serve! Life is not always comfortable, today was a
big reminder of that, but even when I'm uncomfortable God is the great
comforter and I'm taking great hope in that tonight and for the days to come!
Thank you all for your prayers and kind words and encouraging words! God has
blessed me so greatly today with the peace only he can give and I know that you
were praying for me it's greatly appreciated by myself and my family!
FB update, per family:
A quick update on Vanessa - her surgery went well, she is
back in her room and her new "kidney is working and making pee"
(Vanessa's actual words). Vanessa, I guess it is time to get the "I peed
today" T-shirts made
Vanessa, and family, are grateful for everyone's prayers.
As expected, she continues to inspire us all and we are reminded that the Lord
is good!!
God is good! At the end of the day I'm able to sit up in
bed, eat clear liquids (I suppose that jello is a food group) , smile, and
Pee! Tomorrow, the plan is for me to get
out of bed and do some walking, please pray that I'll have good pain control
and That my low grade fever would be gone in the morning. I have been warned
that the meds I will be taking tomorrow typically cause some unpleasant side
effects – would you please pray that I would be an exception but that if I do
have the side effects that I will just trust the Lord to help me through and
that I would have a positive testimony even the most unpleasant of circumstances
Body art courtesy Pre-op Staff:
My surgical 'tattoo' was meant to be a visible reminder
to surgeons and staff to avoid using my fistula arm. No sticks, No BP! |

August 7, 2014
I'm not quite ready for a 5K but I've been up and walk
three laps around the transplant floor and plan to do some more walking after
supper. PTL! I have had my second Thymoglobulin infusion today with none of the
predicted side effects – God has shown himself to be so very faithful and I
thank Him and thank you for all your prayers because I know that he's hearing
them and honoring them to the experiences I've had
I have the coolest family ever! Last year when I saw
these shirts my cousin had found I mentioned that I needed I Peed shirt when I
got my kidney. They remembered this is awesome you know, it's the little things
that make life so full of fun!
August 8, 2014
Two days post-op update
I saw the
surgeon and members of his posse this morning. He is very pleased with the
progress that I and my kidney have made. My creatinine which is a blood level
that measures kidney function started above 11 then yesterday dropped to 4.9
and today it was 2.4! The normal range is approximately 0. 5–1.4. If I hadn't
been connected to so many wires I probably would've been doing a happy dance
but I had to leave that to my family LOL speaking of wires I got my oxygen and
telemetry monitor discontinued so now all I have to keep me tethered is a
central line, I Jackson-Pratt drain, and a Foley. Little by little they're
giving me more freedom my day started
off a little bit rockier than Thursday, think my seven laps that Dave
previously was a little more than I should've done so I'm taking it a little bit
easier today and I'm feeling much better this afternoon the Lord is so good and
he's greatly to be praised! Thanks for all your continued prayers I'm humbled
and very appreciative, as are my parents! The staff caring for me here have
been quite a blessing and if I can't be at home I'm thankful the Lord provided
a place with such good care! But you better believe that hasn't stopped me from
trying to be "helpful"! LOL
I've already been given homework and a pop quiz to see if
I know what's in store for me, I was sure glad they gave the test to me after I
got the kidney I'd hate to think if I failed the test . As I go forward, my
biggest concerns will be infection and rejection. I'll be going into hibernation
a little early this year avoiding highly populated places and those that are
sick or have had live vaccines. Essentially, the drugs that make my body a
hospitable host. also make me highly susceptible to all illnesses so I'll be
the one holding my breath and giving long distance air hugs
August 10, 2014
Today mark's four days post op. Saw my doctor this
morning during his regular rounds, he was pleased with the progress that I
continue to make. My creatinine dropped to 1.6! I haven't had a level in that
range for well over five years – God is so awesome! I continued to marvel at
how he's orchestrated each event and they know that none of it is coincidence.
I used to pride myself on being a good planner, but I'm so thankful that he has
the reins because The intricacies of his planning far surpass any meager
attempt on my part! I spent the day getting my last infusion of thymo and
tonight I will get possibly my last dose of IV antibiotics. I spent a large
part of the day walking the halls and walked 17 laps around the unit, I'm
starting to find sore spots I didn't have a few days ago but over all the Lord
has blessed me with a very uneventful last few days crazed Boulevard!! I
continue to ask for your prayers while one chapter has ended and I've received
a kidney there's a whole new journey ahead of me learning how to adapt to this
new lifestyle and to be a good steward of the spectacular gift that I've been
given. The doctors keep reiterating how very important it is to be stringent in
the days months and years to come being that I am so desensitized. it's a
little overwhelming.
Today was the first day I started to feel the effects of
the IV Solu-Medrol I.E.steroids you know it's the steroids talking when you look
at your plate and not having oatmeal makes you want to cry. It's this new
chapter now the Lord has me on I'm so excited to be on it but so very thankful
that the Lord is on it with me he didn't bring me to this place to leave me by
myself and I am trusting that he will continue to lift me up and bless the
prayers of my friends family and even perfect strangers! And what a blessing
you all are to me thank you for the many prayers and I think you invents for
continued prayers what a gift it is to pray for one another! I suppose I better
sign off now before I get weepy all over again thanks thanks thanks! May God bless you for your prayer coverage
and outpouring of love!effects of the IV Solu-Medrol
August 11, 2014
Foley catheter – gone, Jackson Pratt drain
– gone, triple lumen central line – gone. I am a free woman! Well line free at
least. Creatinine level dropped again today it's 1.3, the lowest it's ever been
at least in the last 15+ years, You can bet the Loewens we're doing a happy
dance today and praising the God who are gifted me with such a precious gift! I
was released at four today and now will hang out near the hospital until my next
clinic visit at the end of the week. It's been a long day with a lot of
information to process but it’s a great opportunity to launch into my new
lifestyle and still have a bit of a safety net nearby. I feel tired, a little
sore and a bit nauseous; but it pales in comparison to how I could be feeling –
I also feel immensely blessed to have this new chapter of life in front of me!
I don’t think I can ever say it enough, God is so incredibly AWESOME!been a long day with a lot of information to process but
it's a great opportunity to lunch into my new lifestyle and still have a little
bit of a safety net nearby. I feel tired, a little sore and a bit nauseous ;
but it pales in comparison to how I could be feeling- I also feel immensely
blessed to have this new chapter of life in front of me! I don't think I can't
ever say it enough , God is so incredibly AWESOME!been a long day with a lot of
information to process but it's a great opportunity to lunch into my new
lifestyle and still have a little bit of a safety net nearby. I feel tired, a
little sore and a bit nauseous ; but it pales in comparison to how I could be
feeling- I also feel immensely blessed to have this new chapter of life in
front of me! I don't think I can't ever say it enough , God is so incredibly
AWESOME!been a long day with a lot of information to process but it's a great
opportunity to lunch into my new lifestyle and still have a little bit of a
safety net nearby. I feel tired, a little sore and a bit nauseous ; but it
pales in comparison to how I could be feeling- I also feel immensely blessed to
have this new chapter of life in front of me! I don't think I can't ever say it
enough , God is so incredibly AWESOME!
August 13, 2014
One week post op
August 20, 2014
Two weeks post op – glory to God for the great things he
has done and continues to do in my body! And yes, peeing is just one of the
many new blessings I am thinking God for! Thanks to all for your prayers and
continued prayers!! Psalms 103:1 – 2 Let all that I am praise the Lord; with my
whole heart, I will praise His holy name. Let all that I am praise the Lord;
may I never forget the good things He does for me.