Thursday, January 16, 2014

Holding My Breath...

The white bleachers are hard as steel on my not-so steely buns, but tonight I don’t care.  It’s basketball homecoming!  From my high perch I have a great view of the homecoming candidates.  First the guys line up, then the girls.  I’m not sure if it’s the distance or my age, but boy they look young!   I cheer as all the names are read, but I can’t help but remember my name being read out on that court, the crown placed on my head & the sweet kiss on my cheek………..But wait, the announcer has named the homecoming court, but this year, apparently there’s a twist – the theme is Kiss the Girl and all men have been invited to plant kisses on the gals in their proximity.  All of a sudden dozens of eager lips (and the elderly men accompanying them) swarmed me.  As I politely smiled & turned my head for them to kiss my cheek –they went for my lips -- lips smacking, like hungry goldfish at feeding time!

And that’s when I woke up!

Now, if you’re anything like me (or maybe I’m just weird), but often I put life events to song.  Life really is so much more interesting as a musical.  Because of this most of you would naturally assume that the accompaniment of this story sequence would be The Little Mermaid’s – Kiss the Girl.  If that’s what you thought you would be…… dead wrong!  Jaws music, predatory horror film music – this was not a sweet dream it was a cold sweat nightmare – Jaws music included!

I haven’t had a school dream in ages and never one like this.  Usually when I’m in a time crunch or have stress I start having dreams about not getting homework in on time or not finishing a timed test.  But this one was different – when I woke up I had 2 thoughts – wow! I really need to brush my teeth (which I did), and Why weren’t there any guys my age lining up to kiss me? (a whole ‘nother topic for a later time).

It doesn’t take a dream analyst to tell me what my dream means – I know already.  I’m stressin’ a little.  I’ve got a long list of ‘to do’s’ and a short time in which to-do them.  Also, have you been to the store lately?  It’s like Germ-a-Palooza out there!  A cough here, a sneeze there, here a sniff, there a snot-rocket…. It’s every germ-a-phobe’s nightmare.  From an early age my mother taught me that the appropriate response to public displays of coughing & sneezing were to hold my breath and walk the other way.  I was at the store yesterday, after 15 minutes of shopping I almost needed resuscitation from holding my breath so long and I never got what I needed I had to keep walking in the opposite direction – I was exhausted, winded & grocery-less when  I left the store! 

Despite my best breath-holding efforts, I still acquired a cold!  So, while being kissed by the masses might be some girl’s dream – This germ-conscious girl gets chills thinking about it – and not the good kind! (cue the music for John Travolta’s ‘I’ve got chills…’ )

It’s pretty obvious that even my best efforts aren’t good enough… on my own.  It’s not the most comforting of thoughts for someone that likes thing neat, orderly & in my control.  But even in my most firm grasp on running my life – things slip through my fingers.  That’s why I’m so thankful that Christ has much bigger hands & His grasp is steady – He’s not frazzled when things don’t go the way I planned them!  Surrendering my control is a daily, sometimes hourly task for me. Knowing & trusting are two different things.  I know God’s plan for my life is the very best & that’s what I desire, but trusting Him in the midst of His plans when they’re different from my own… it’s scary, but it’s not a blind trust, I’m trusting in the One who is always trust-worthy – Trusting Christ sure beats holding my breath!

Trust in the Lord with all your heart;   do not depend on your own understanding.  Seek His will in all you do,  and He will show you which path to take. Proverbs 3:5-6

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